...Plz...Tag..my blog..be4 leavin..
Never been in tough situation..
now facing the fantasy world..
which appear infront of me..
what i manage to feel is.. fear and hopeless and nothing else..

feeling hopeless and tired..
i have been struggling for so long..
if i took a rest..
thats doesnt be too much right?

tired.. hopeless.. fear.. darkness
all have fallen upon me..
i managed to stand up...
but then.. my legs just dont listen to my command..and fell again..
all the feeling..
just lingers within my mind..
i want to stand up.. i want to run..
but why cant i do it..
i stared up the sky seeing how beautiful the clouds is..

again.. struggling to stand up..
and again.. fighting off the darkness
failed again.. and again.. and again..
i dont wish to give up..
suddenly being pulled up.. i manage to stand..
someone.. someone just pulled me up..
i cant see him.. cant see him properly..blurred vision..
he say:" Didnt give up.. is the right choice you made.."
"and for that.. you have achieved something.."
continued :"in future never concede and what you walking.. shall be the right path.."
"you managed to stand up yourself without my help.. and thats your soul....."
there will be friends in the end helping you.. and that will be the exit.."

i opened my eyes
the person disappeared
and i only saw the beautiful sky.. infront of my eyes..
and i realized something..
i managed to stand up..
hopes has ignited a flame
a flame which countered the darkness..
thank you..
and here.. i continue walk.. until.. i find the path to get out of the..

-______Final Fantasy______-
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